Pseudamia gelatinosa (Smith, 1956).
Pseudamia gelatinosa (Smith, 1956).
Genus: ,

Scientific Name: Pseudamia gelatinosa

English Name: Gelatinous cardinalfish

Creole Name:

French Name: Cardinal gélatineux

IUCN Red List Status: Not Evaluated (NE)


Dorsal spines: 7; Dorsal rays: 8; Anal spines: 2; Anal rays: 8.

A slender cardinalfish. Anterior nostril with long, darkly pigmented membranous flap. Upper jaw with narrow band of small conical teeth, anterior ones 
enlarged, and a large canine on each side of the symphysis. Lower jaw with a band of small teeth tapering to 1-2 rows posteriorly, outer series slightly 
enlarged anteriorly, cluster of still larger teeth in symphysis. 1-3 large canines on each side of lower jaw. Juveniles with strong triangular spinules 
around angle of preopercle that become undulate to smooth in adults. Pectoral fin reaches back to origin of anal fin or slightly beyond. 

Colour. Body translucent purplish brown with numerous dark spots with central golden dot. Spots on head larger. A golden to silvery iridescent lower 
half of head. Dusky peritoneum with numerous black dots. An indistinct dark spot sometimes on the upper part of the caudal fin. Juveniles with a dark 
ocellus on upper caudal fin that gradually disappears while the dark caudal spot develops.


Maturity: Unknown. Max length : 11.0 cm TL. 

Habitat and Ecology:

Inhabits protected bays and lagoon reefs, sheltering deep in coral thickets (depth 1-64 m, usually 1-40 m). Mainly nocturnal.Solitary. Distinct pairing 
during courtship and spawning. 

Fishery Status:

This species is not protected or subject to fishery regulations. It is not subject to the artisanal fishery. 


Photo courtesy Eleanor Brighton and Chris Mason-Parker (c) 2022 Blue Safari Seychelles/Marine Conservation Society, Seychelles. Photograph taken at Alphonse group 2022.
This species was first described by J.L.B. Smith from a specimen collected at Aldabra in 1955.


Froese, R. & D. Pauly. (Eds.) (2022). FishBase. (19/09/22). 
Bray, D.J. Pseudamia gelatinosa in Fishes of Australia, (20/09/22).
Smith, M. & Heemstra, P. (Eds.) (1999). Smiths’ Sea Fishes Edition 6. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/978-3-642-82858-4


Nevill, J.E.G., Brighton, E. & Mason-Parker, C. (2022). Pseudamia gelatinosa, Gelatinous cardinalfish. Seychelles Seatizens. 

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