A slender-bodied, light grey shark with a long broadly rounded snout and no prominent markings. Strongly curved concave fins. Large curved, serrated teeth in upper jaw.
Hooked lower teeth protrude from mouth.
Fins: D1 large broad and semi-falcate with large rear free tip. D2 relatively high with large free rear tip. Origin anterior to origin of anal fin. Interdorsal ridge
present (lateral line also apparent). Pectorals medium-sized and strongly curved falcate. Pelvic and anal curved and plain. Caudal upper lobe curved and low.
Head: Long broadly rounded snout, large circular eyes and long gill slits. Large incurrent nasal apertures with broad triangular anterior nasal flaps. Large curved
serrated upper teeth and hooked lower teeth that protrude from mouth. Prominent and long upper and lower labial furrows.
Maturity: males at 110-145 cm TL, females at 120-170cm TL. Max Length: 240 cm TL.
Habitat and Ecology:
Inhabits insular and continental shelves, 1- 132m depth, feeds on cephalopods and teleosts. Viviparous 2-11 pups per litter following a 7-8 month gestation, possibly
reproduces every second year. Appears to be naturally rare in most places where it occurs.
Fishery Status:
This species is not protected. It is however illegal to fish for sharks with nets (Fisheries Act, Reg 16.c). It is caught primarily in the artisanal net fisheries,
but is a rare component of the catch.
Ebert, D.A. et al (2013). Sharks of the World – A fully illustrated guide. Wild Nature press ISBN 978-0-9573946-0-5
Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Eds. (2018). FishBase. (19/08/18).
Hemipristis elongata in Fishes of Australia, accessed 19 Aug 2018,
Nevill, J.E.G. et al (2015). An identification guide for the sharks of the Seychelles Artisanal Fishery.
Shark (2018). (19/08/18).
White, W.T. & Simpfendorfer, C. (2016). Hemipristis elongata. The IUCN Red List 2016: e.T41874A68625034. (23/09/21).
Nevill, J.E.G. (2019). Hemipristis elongata, Snaggletooth shark. Seychelles Seatizens. (Updated 23/09/21).