Chanos chanos (Forsskål, 1775)
Chanos chanos (Forsskål, 1775)
Genus: ,

Scientific Name: Chanos chanos

English Name: Milkfish

Creole Name: Libin

French Name: Chano

IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (LC)


Dorsal spines: 2; Dorsal rays: 13-17; Anal spines: 2; Anal rays: 8-10.

Body elongate and moderately compressed. Small terminal mouth without teeth. Eye covered by thick transparent adipose tissue. Small cycloid scales make body smooth to the 
touch. Single, short based dorsal fin situated mid body. Anal fin short-based, positioned far back on body. Pectoral fins falcate. Caudal fin large and deeply forked.
Colour. Olive green dorsally with silvery flanks. Dorsal, anal and caudal fins with dark margins.


Maturity: Lm and Range vary widely with location. Max Length: 180cm SL. Commonly to 100cm SL.

Habitat and Ecology:

Inhabits offshore marine waters and coastal bays (depth 1-30m, usually only to 15m), also known to enter estuaries. Adults occur in small to large schools near the coasts 
or around islands where reefs are well developed. Eggs and larvae are pelagic for two to three weeks. Spawning occurs not more than 30km from shore. Older larvae migrate 
inshore to settle in coastal wetlands (mangroves and estuaries). Sub-adults return to sea to mature. Larvae eat zooplankton. Juveniles and adults eat cyanobacteria, soft 
algae, small benthic invertebrates, and pelagic fish eggs and larvae. 

Fishery Status:

This species is not protected or subject to fishery regulations. It is bycatch in the net fishery, but is a relatively uncommon component of the catch. It is considered a 
poor quality fish on the local market. 





Bray, D.J.  Chanos chanos in Fishes of Australia. (18/06/19).
Fischer, W. & G. Bianchi (eds), (1984).  FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean; (Fishing Area 51). Prepared and printed with the 
support of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Rome, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, vols 1-6.
Freyhof, J. et al. (2017). Chanos chanos. The IUCN Red List 2017: (18/06/19).
Froese, R. & D. Pauly. (Eds.) (2019). FishBase. (18/06/19). 


Nevill, J.E.G. (2019). Chanos chanos, Milkfish. Seychelles Seatizens. (edited 01/07/22).

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