Chaetodon guttatissimus (Bennett, 1833)
Chaetodon guttatissimus (Bennett, 1833)
Genus: ,

Scientific Name: Chaetodon guttatissimus

English Name: Peppered butterflyfish

Creole Name: Papiyon

French Name: Papillon moucheté

IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (LC)


Dorsal spines: 12-13; Dorsal rays: 22-24; Anal spines: 3; Anal rays: 16-18.

A silvery white butterflyfish with irregular vertical rows of dusky spots on the upper flanks, and fewer spots on the lower flanks forming less distinct horizontal 
rows. A narrow dark bar through the eye. Posterior dorsal fin and upper caudal peduncle orange. A black submarginal band on caudal fin.


Maturity: Unknown. Max length : 12.0 cm TL

Habitat and Ecology:

Inhabits coral reefs of lagoons and seaward reef slopes (depth 1-45m, usually 3-30 m). Occurs singly, in pairs or small groups. Feeds on coral polyps, plychates and algae. 
Oviparous. Form pairs during breeding.

Fishery Status:

This species is not protected or subject to fishery regulations. It may be occasionally subject to net and trap fishing, but would typically be released. 


Photo. Courtesy and (c) 2021 GVI/SPGA.
Photo courtesy Eleanor Brighton and Chris Mason-Parker (c) 2022 Blue Safari Seychelles/Marine Conservation Society, Seychelles. Photograph taken at Alphonse group 2022.


Bray, D.J. & Thompson, A.S. (2020). Chaetodon guttatissimus in Fishes of Australia, (27/06/22).
Froese, R. & D. Pauly. (Eds.) (2022). FishBase. (27/06/22). 
Pyle, R. et al. (2010). Chaetodon guttatissimus. The IUCN Red List 2010: (27/06/22). 


Nevill, J.E.G. (2022). Chaetodon guttatissimus, Peppered butterflyfish. Seychelles Seatizens. 

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