Myripristis kuntee (Valenciennes, 1831)
Myripristis kuntee (Valenciennes, 1831)
Genus: , ,

Scientific Name: Myripristis kuntee

English Name: Shoulderbar soldierfish

Creole Name: Lyon

French Name: Marignan ardoisé

IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (LC)


Dorsal spines: 11; Dorsal rays: 16 (15-17); Anal spines: 4; Anal rays: 14-16.

Body oblong. Snout short. Large eyes. Single pair of tooth patches at front of lower jaw outside mouth. Spinous dorsal fin notched to back between last 2 spines. 11th spine 
about twice length of 10th and closely applied to soft portion of fin. Has smaller scales than most other similar species and the higher number along the body is quite obvious..
No small scales in axil of pectoral fins. Forked caudal fin.

Colour. Body red dorsally, silvery pink below lateral line. Edges of the scales darker than centres. Blackish bar through the pupil. A continuous reddish brown bar from 
upper end of gill opening to axil of pectoral fin. Dorsal fin translucent red basally and broadly yellow distally. Leading edge of pelvic, soft dorsal, anal and caudal fins 
white. Red pigment in soft dorsal and anal fins concentrated in a large spot at tips of fins.  


Maturity: Unknown. Max length : 26.0 cm TL; common length : 16.0 cm TL.

Habitat and Ecology:

Coral reef associated. Lives in subtidal reef flats, lagoons and seaward reefs below the surge zone (depth 0-65 m). Nocturnal. Benthopelagic. Seeks refuge in caves and 
crevices during the day sometimes in large aggregations. Feeds on plankton such as crab larvae.

Fishery Status:

This species is not protected or subject to fishery regulations. It is presumed to be caught in the trap fishery and is believed to be a rare component of the catch, but its relative 
abundance is hard to assess due to the number of simliar species.  


Photo courtesy Eleanor Brighton and Chris Mason-Parker (c) 2022 Blue Safari Seychelles/Marine Conservation Society, Seychelles. Photograph taken at Alphonse group 2022.


Fischer, W. & G. Bianchi (eds), (1984).  FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean; (Fishing Area 51). Prepared and printed with the 
support of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Rome, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, vols 1-6.
Froese, R. & D. Pauly. (Eds.) (2022). FishBase. (16/07/22). 
McGrouther, M. (2021). Epaulette Soldierfish, Myripristis kuntee. Australian Museum. (16/07/22). 
Williams, I. & Greenfield, D. (2016). Myripristis kuntee (errata version 2017). The IUCN Red List 2016: (16/07/22).


Nevill, J.E.G., Brighton, E. & Mason-Parker, C. (2022). Myripristis kuntee, Shoulderbar soldierfish. Seychelles Seatizens.  

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