

  • Wattsia mossambica
    Least Concern (LC)
    Mozambique large-eye bream

    Empereur bariadiva
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  • Cryptocentrus cryptocentrus
    Least Concern (LC)
    Ninebar prawn-goby

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  • Sphyraena qenie
    Not Evaluated (NE)
    Blackfin barracuda
    Bekin gro lekay
    Barracuda à queue noire
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  • Plectorhinchus paulayi
    Least Concern (LC)
    Zebra sweetlip

    Diagramme zébré
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  • Fusigobius pallidus
    Least Concern (LC)
    Pale sandgoby

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  • Fusigobius duospilus
    Least Concern (LC)
    Barenape goby

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  • Polymixia berndti
    Least Concern (LC)
    Pacific beardfish

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  • Cryptocentrus malindiensis
    Least Concern (LC)
    Chocolate shrimp-goby

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  • Scorpaenodes albaiensis
    Least Concern (LC)
    Longfingered scorpionfish

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  • Naso annulatus
    Least Concern (LC)
    Whitemargin unicornfish
    Nason à rostre long
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  • Canthigaster janthinoptera
    Least Concern (LC)
    Honeycomb toby

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  • Alticus anjouanae
    Least Concern (LC)
    Anjouan Coastal Blenny

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  • Luzonichthys waitei
    Least Concern (LC)
    Waite's splitfin

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  • Pseudanthias evansi
    Least Concern (LC)
    Yellowback anthias

    Anthias bicolore
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  • Zapogon evermanni
    Least Concern (LC)
    Evermann's cardinalfish

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  • Eviota dalyi
    Not Evaluated (NE)
    Amirante dwarfgoby

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  • Oxymonacanthus longirostris
    Vulnerable (VU)
    Harlequin filefish

    Poisson lime à taches oranges
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  • Nemateleotris magnifica
    Least Concern (LC)
    Fire goby

    Poisson de feu
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  • Sebastapistes cyanostigma
    Least Concern (LC)
    Yellowspotted scorpionfish

    Poisson-scorpion à tache jaune
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  • Taractichthys steindachneri
    Not Evaluated (NE)
    Sickle pomfret

    Bréme noire à longues nageoires
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